Non-Fiction books
A History of the Eastern Kaweka Ranges (NZFS Napier 1984)
The History of Farming at Kuripapango (NZFS Napier 1984)
The Early Sawmilling Industry in Hawkes Bay, Vol 1 (NZFS Napier 1985)
Farming in the Mohaka State Forest, 1860-1950 (NZFS Napier 1985)
Early Huts of the Northern Ruahine and Central Wakarara Ranges, 1860-1950 (NZFS 1986)
Farming in the Gwavas State Forest, 1860-1950 (NZFS 1986)
The Early Sawmilling Industry in Hawkes Bay, Vol 2 (NZFS 1986)
Farming in the Esk State Forest, 1860-1950 (NZFS 1986)
A Short History of the Gwavas State Forest, 1944-1986 (NZFS 1986)
Hawke’s Bay: Lifestyle Country (Cosmos, June 1991)
Wonderful Wairarapa (Cosmos, October 1991)
Wellington/Kapiti Coast (Cosmos, December 1992)
Hawke’s Bay – The History of a Province (Dunmore Press, Palmerston North, 1994, reprinted 1995).
(Winner, “Highly Commended” category, J M Sherrard Awards 1996.)
Havelock North – The History of a Village (HDC, Hastings, 1996)
Napier – City of Style (Random House, Auckland 1997)
Kiwi Air Power – The History of the RNZAF(originally published by Reed, Auckland 1998, republished by Intruder Books, Wellington, 2015)
Working Together – The History of Carter Oji Kokusaku Pan Pacific Ltd 1971-1993 (Pan Pac, Napier 1999)
New Zealand’s Engineering Heritage (Reed, Auckland 1999)
Battle for Crete: New Zealand’s Near-Run Affair(originally published by Reed, Auckland 2000 as A Near-Run Affair – New Zealanders in the Battle for Crete, 1941, reprinted with new title 2003, republished by Intruder Books, Wellington, 2015, second edition by Intruder Books, Wellington 2018)
Quake – Hawke’s Bay 1931 (Reed, Auckland 2001, reprinted with revised photographic selection 2006)
Town and Country – The History of Hastings and District 1860-2001 (HDC, Hastings 2001)
Blue Water Kiwis – New Zealand’s Naval Story (originally published by Reed, Auckland 2001, republished by Intruder Books, Wellington, 2015, second edition by Intruder Books, Wellington 2019)
Desert Duel – New Zealand’s North African War (Reed, Auckland 2002, republished by Intruder Books, Wellington, 2015, second edition by Intruder Books, Wellington 2018)
Wings Over New Zealand – A Social history of New Zealand Aviation (Whitcoulls, Auckland 2002)
Italian Odyssey – New Zealanders in the battle for Italy 1943-45 (Reed, Auckland 2003, republished by Intruder Books, Wellington, 2015, second edition by Intruder Books, Wellington 2018)
Rails Across New Zealand – A Social history of Rail Travel (Whitcoulls, Auckland 2003)
Pacific War – New Zealand and Japan 1941-1945 (Reed, Auckland 2003, republished by Intruder Books, Wellington, 2015, second edition by Intruder Books, Wellington 2018)
The Reed Illustrated History of New Zealand (Reed, Auckland 2004)
Western Front: the New Zealand Division in the First World War(originally published by Reed, Auckland 2005, republished by Intruder Books, Wellington, 2015, second edition by Intruder Books, Wellington 2018)
Freyberg’s War: The Man, the Legend, and Reality (Penguin, Auckland 2005)
Cars Around New Zealand – a history of Kiwi cars (Whitcoulls, Auckland 2005)
Escape! Kiwi POW’s on the run in World War II (Random House, Auckland 2006) (Editor)
Fighting Past Each Other – the New Zealand Wars 1845-1872 (Reed Childrens Books, Auckland 2006)
Two Peoples, One Land – the New Zealand Wars (Reed, Auckland 2006)
Trucks Around New Zealand (Whitcoulls, Auckland 2006)
Fantastic Pasts: Imaginary adventures in New Zealand history (Penguin, Auckland 2007)
Torpedo! Kiwis at sea in World War II(Random House, Auckland 2007) (Editor)
New Zealand’s Military Heroism (Reed, Auckland 2007)
Motorbikes around New Zealand (Whitcoulls, Auckland 2008)
Big Ideas: 100 Wonders of New Zealand Engineering(Random House, Auckland 2009)
Old South: Life and Times in the Nineteenth Century Mainland(Penguin, Auckland 2009)
Behind Enemy Lines: Kiwi freedom fighters in WWII (Random House, Auckland 2010) (Editor)
Shattered Glory: the New Zealand experience at Gallipoli and the Western Front (Penguin, Auckland 2010)
Historic Hawke’s Bay and East Coast (David Bateman, Auckland 2010)
Guns and Utu: a Short History of the Musket Wars (Penguin, Auckland 2011)
New Zealand on the Move: 100 Kiwi road, rail and transport icons (Random House, Auckland 2011)
Convicts: New Zealand’s hidden criminal past(Penguin, Auckland 2012)
Trains, tunnels, bridges: icons of our Kiwi railway history (Whitcoulls, Auckland 2013)
Illustrated History of New Zealand (David Bateman, Auckland 2013)
The New Zealand Wars: a brief history (Libro International, Auckland 2014)
Living on shaky ground: the science and story behind New Zealand’s earthquakes (Penguin Random House, Auckland 2014)
Coal: the rise and fall of King Coal in New Zealand (David Bateman, Auckland 2014)
Man of Secrets: the private life of Donald McLean (Penguin, Auckland 2015)
Explaining Our Weird Universe, Volume 1: cool stuff about time, black holes, and quantum magic (Intruder Books, Wellington 2016)
How to get writing fast: a quick-start guide (Intruder Books, Wellington 2016)
The New Zealand Experience at Gallipoli and the Western Front (Oratia Books, Auckland 2017)
Dreadnoughts Unleashed: collected musings on twentieth century naval battles and warship design (Intruder Books, Wellington 2017).
The Division Trilogy (bind-up of second edition Battle for Crete, Desert Duel and Italian Odyssey), (Intruder Books, Wellington 2018)
Britain’s Last Battleships, (Intruder Books, Wellington 2018, second edition 2020)
The History of Hawke’s Bay (Intruder Books, Wellington 2018, second edition 2019)
Waitangi: A Living Treaty, (David Bateman, Auckland 2019)
Living On Shaky Ground (expanded edition) (David Bateman, Auckland 2020)
Freyberg: A life’s journey (Oratia Books, Auckland 2020)
The New Zealand Wars (Oratia, Auckland 2021) – winner, Storytimes Notable Book Award
Battlecruiser New Zealand: a gift to Empire (USNI Press, Annapolis, 2021)
Those Who Have the Courage: the history of the Royal New Zealand Armoured Corps (Oratia, Auckland 2024)
Fifty years and growing (Pan Pac Forest Products, Napier 2024)
Review essays
Review of Bronwyn Elsmore ‘Like Them that Dream’, (Hawke’s Bay Today, 14 October 2000)
Review of Michael King ‘Moriori: A People Rediscovered’ (Hawke’s Bay Today 28 October 2000)
Review of Caroline Phillips ‘Waihou Journeys’ (Hawke’s Bay Today 16 November 2000)
‘A losing battle’, review of Lynn McConnell’s ‘Galatas: courage in vain’ (Dominion Post, 22 April 2006)
‘All the functions of a postage stamp’, review of Gavin McLean’s ‘The Governors’ (Dominion Post Weekend, 4 November 2006)
‘But what about the flat whites?’, review of Redmer Yska’s ‘Wellington: biography of a city’ (Dominion Post Weekend, 30-31 December 2006)
‘History as dada’, review of Clive James’ ‘Cultural Amnesia’ (Sunday Star-Times, 3 June 2007)
‘Innocence found’, review of Biyi Bandele’s’Burma Boy’ (Sunday Star-Times, 29 July 2007)
‘Dear Old Uncle Heinrich’, review of Katrin Himmler’s ‘The Himmler Brothers’ (Sunday Star-Times, 16 September 2007)
‘Plenty of mud, but it’s dry’, review of Glyn Harper’s ‘Dark Journey’ (Sunday Star-Times, 7 October 2007)
‘Art’s powerful insight’, review of Jennifer Haworth’s ‘The Art of War’ (Dominion Post, 20 October 2007)
‘Brilliant, gullible, arrogant, timid…human’, review of James McNeish’s ‘The Sixth Man’ (Sunday Star-Times, 16 December 2007)
‘Books for our solemn hour’ (Sunday Star-Times, 20 April 2008)
‘Shots that echo’ (Sunday Star-Times, 13 July 2008)
‘The China Syndrome’ (Sunday Star-Times, 3 August 2008)
‘Oral history for the strong of stomach’ (Sunday Star-Times, 17 August 2008)
‘Kip the man’, review of Denis McLean’s ‘Howard Kippenberger: dauntless spirit’ (New Zealand Listener, 22 November 2008)
‘The fall of the house of ushers’, review of Wayne Brittenden’s ‘The Celluloid Circus (Sunday Star-Times, 23 November 2008)
‘Rush to Glory’, review of Stevan Eldred-Grigg’s ‘Diggers, Hatters and Whores’ (New Zealand Listener, 29 November 2008)
‘Consummate historian turns back time’, review of Simon Schama’s ‘The American future: a history’ (Sunday Star-Times, 22 February 2009)
‘Honouring the prophet in sobering style’, review of Keith Newman’s ‘Ratana, the prophet’ (Sunday Star-Times, 1 March 2009)
‘Historian digs deeper than Anzac Cove and El Alamein’, review of Jeff Hopkins-Weise ”Blood Brother: the Anzac Genesis’, (Sunday Star-Times, 22 March 2009)
‘Fine character portrait of legendary public servant’, review of Hugh Templeton (ed)’Mr Ambassador: Memoirs of Sir Carl Berendsen, (Sunday Star-Times, 12 April 2009)
‘The fernleaf and the fury’, Anzac day 2009 wrap-up review (Sunday Star-Times, 19 April 2009)
‘The longest day’, review of Antony Beevor’s ‘D-Day’ (New Zealand Listener, 13-19 June 2009)
‘The Empire strikes back’, review of James Belich’s ‘Replenishing the Earth’ (Sunday Star-Times, 20 September 2009)
‘Pakeha, too, have a rich, full history’, review of John Andrews ‘No Other Home Than This” (Sunday Star-Times, 1 November 2009)
‘History impressive but driven by a purpose’, review of Judith Binney’s ‘Encircled Lands: Te Urewera, 1820-1921’ (Sunday Star-Times, 27 December 2009)
‘World Where You Live’, review of Jeffrey Paparoa Holman’s ‘Best of Both Worlds’ (Sunday Star-Times, 14 March 2010)
‘Birth of a nation: Anzac day wrap-up review’ (Sunday Star-Times, 25 April 2010)
‘Official historian sets record straight on baby-eaters and war victims’ (Sunday Star-Times, 19 September 2010)
‘The Blame Game’ (New Zealand Listener, 25-31 December 2010)
‘Histories Without End’ (Sunday Star-Times, 27 February 2011)
‘A Lens on the Hard Truths: books for children and adults about both world wars mark Anzac day’ (New Zealand Listener, 23-30 April 2011)
‘Hello Goodbye’ (New Zealand Listener, 27 August 2011)
‘War On Film’ (New Zealand Listener, 1 October 2011)
‘The mother and daughters of a disaster’ (New Zealand Listener, 22 October 2011)
‘Filling the void’ (New Zealand Listener, 12 November 2011)
‘Into the national memory‘ (Sunday Star-Times, 27 November 2011)
‘A thirst for knowledge‘ (Sunday Star-Times, 15 January 2012)
‘‘What it was like’ (New Zealand Listener, 21 January 2012)
‘Weekend Warriors’ (New Zealand Listener, 11 February 2012)
‘A riotous frontier’ (Sunday Star-Times, 6 May 2012)
‘A land before a Treaty’ (Sunday Star-Times, 10 June 2012)
‘For better or Worse’ (New Zealand Listener, 29 January 2015)
‘Soldiering on on the Home Front’ (New Zealand Listener, 28 May 2015)
‘Hitting the mark’ (New Zealand Books, Vol. 25, No. 3, Spring 2015)
‘War’s Place in Our Hearts’ (New Zealand Listener, 8 October 2015)
‘The Year After’ (New Zealand Listener, 30 April 2016)‘The Longest Days’ (New Zealand Listener, 22 October 2016)
‘Humanity’s Darkest Days’ (New Zealand Listener, 25 March 2017)
‘Sir Joseph Ward and New Zealand Naval Defence, 1907-13’ (Political Science, July 1989)
‘The policy origins of the Reserve Bank of New Zealand’ (Reserve Bank of New Zealand Bulletin, Vol. 69, No. 3, September 2006)
‘Introducing the Moniac: an early and innovative economic model’ (with Tim Ng) (Reserve Bank of New Zealand Bulletin, Vol. 70, No. 4, December 2007).
‘Mordacious years: socio-economic aspects and outcomes of New Zealand’s experience in the Great Depression’ (Reserve Bank of New Zealand Bulletin, Vol. 72, No. 3, September 2009)
Feature articles
‘The Commercial Civil Servant’ (Energywide, Vol 1 No.2, June 1987)
‘Gulf Crisis – The Delicate Balance’ (Energywide, Vol 1 No.3, October 1987)
‘Superconductors – In from the Cold’ (Energywide, Vol 1 No.4, December 1987)
‘Falcon – Vacuforms Down Under’ (Scale Aircraft Modelling, February 1989)
‘Supership’ (New Zealand Listener, Vol 125 No. 2598, 30 December 1989)
Hawkes Bay Pioneering 3040-1900 (8-article series, Daily Telegraph):
1. ‘Shaping Early HB Society’ (13 March 1990)
2. ‘The 1840’s Profit Motive’ (20 March 1990)
3. ‘Frozen Meat Timely Saviour for HB’ (27 March 1990)
4. ‘Land Speculation Explosion’ (3 April 1990)
5. ‘Long Haul from Poor to Well-To-Do’ (10 April 1990)
6. ‘Middle Class Towns’ (17 April 1990)
7. ‘High Life of the 1890’s’ (24 April 1990)
8. ‘Hawkes Bay’s Changing Way of Life’ (1 May 1990)
‘Dissenter in the Admiralty’ (New Zealand Listener, 23 April 1990)
‘HMS New Zealand – The Naming of a Battlecruiser’ (New Zealand Navy News, Vol 16 No.1, Autumn 1990)
‘Public Adoration Heralded Birth of Military Might’ (Daily Telegraph, 6 October 1990)
‘Big Hurrahs for HMS New Zealand’ (The Press, 13 October 1990)
‘Ronald Woolf Memorial Exhibition 1990’ (Camera New Zealand, December 1990)
‘When We Bought Our First Battleship’ (Dominion, 27 December 1990)
Patriotic Gift to Homeland made Kiwis Proud’ (Otago Daily Times, 19 January 1991)
Settlers with an eye to business’ (Dominion, 26 January 1991)
Contributions to 120 Years In Print, the Daily Telegraph Double Diamond Jubilee publication, 1 February 1991):
1. The Victorians
2. Frozen Meat trade brings prosperity
3. A New Century brings new lifestyles
4. War, depression hit HB
5. Tragic quake adds to economic woes
6. State projects the key to NZ’s recovery
7. 1950’s herald massive development in HB
8. Technology sets century apart
‘City of style rose quickly from the rubble’ (Daily Telegraph, 2 February 1991)
‘After the Quake’ (Dominion Sunday Times, 3 February 1991)
‘Von Luckner – The Gentleman Warrior’ (Dominion Sunday Times, 17 March 1991)
‘Tasman Model Products’ (Airfix Magazine, Vol 3, No.1, April 1991)
”Kiwis’ Enjoy Easter Air Show’ (Aviation News, Vol 19 No.26, 10-23 May 1991)
‘Up, Up and Aermacchi’ (Daily Telegraph, 11 May 1991)
‘Monospar puts pilot on the map.’ (Daily Telegraph, 30 May 1991)
‘Photographing Models’ (Airfix Magazine, Vol 3., No.2, May 1991)
‘Aermacchi Trainers for the RNZAF’ (Aviation News, Vol 20, No.1, June 1991)
‘New Zealand National IPMS Championships’ (Airfix Magazine, Vol 3, No.3, June 1991)
‘Enthusiasm and Enterprise lifted aerial mapping pioneer off ground’ (Otago Daily Times, 8 June 1991)
‘Skyhawks spend time in Australian Skies’ (Daily Telegraph, 28 June 1991)
‘Skyhawks Return to Nowra’ (Airforces Monthly, No. 40, July 1991)
‘Aermacchi Acquisition to give RNZAF a timely boost’ (Australian Aviation, July 1991)
‘Kiwi Air Force staff enjoying Aussie Exchange Experience’ (Marlborough Express, 2 July 1991)
‘They’re flying our planes over there!’ (Otago Daily Times, 8 July 1991)
‘RNZAF Hawking its Services to the Aussies’ (Sunday Star, 14 July 1991)
‘Skyhawks Break New Ground in Tasman defence’ (The Canberra Times, 14 July 1991)
‘Closer Defence Relations’ (Evening Post, 20 July 1991)
‘Piet van Asch: pioneering aerial mapper’ (The Press, 10 August 1991)
‘Repairs start on Strikemasters’ (Otago Daily Times, 14 August 1991)
‘Strikemasters may be back by September’ (Marlborough Express, ?? August 1991)
‘Kahu Skyhawks in Service’ (Aviation News, Vol 20, No. 9, September 1991)
‘RNZAF Skyhawks Deployed to Nowra’ (Aviation News, Vol 20 No. 9, September 1991)
‘Strikemaster troubles not surprising’ (Aviation News, Vol 20 No. 10, September 1991)
‘NZ Defence Review of Crucial Importance to Region’ (Australian Aviation, September 1991)
‘Flying the Macchi’ (Evening Post, 19 October 1991)
‘Aermacchi hurtles acrobatically above the clouds’ (Otago Daily Times, 23 October 1991)
‘One Man and His Plane’ (Evening Post, 26 October 1991)
‘Monospar Faithful Friend for Pioneer’ (New Zealand Herald, 29 October 1991)
‘First Flight in an Aermacchi’ (Marlborough Express, ?? October 1991)
‘Mapping by Monospar’ (Air Enthusiast 44, November 1991)
‘Riding the clouds pure Macchi magic’ (Daily Telegraph, 2 November 1991)
‘Bullseye!’ (Aviation News, Vol 20 No.13, 8-21 November 1991)
‘A-4K ‘Kahu’ Skyhawk’ (Airfix Magazine, Vol 3 No. 9, December 1991)
‘Cook left mark on HB despite staying at sea’ (Daily Telegraph, 28 December 1991)
‘Colonial ‘progress’ saw bush felled, pests arrive in Hawke’s Bay’ (Daily Telegraph, 31 December 1991)
‘Booming Hawke’s Bay looked to improved lifeline’ (Daily Telegraph, 7 January 1992)
‘Health Care Rare in early Hawke’s Bay’ (Daily Telegraph, 11 January 1992)
‘Double Standards in attitudes to crime’ (Daily Telegraph, 14 January 1992)
‘Early Hawke’s Bay embraced sport, literature’ (Daily Telegraph, 30 January 1992)
‘What’s in a Name?’ (Daily Telegraph, 21 January 1992)
‘Education prized by Bay settlers’ (Daily Telegraph, 25 January 1992)
‘Napier Toasts its Heritage’ (Evening Post, 3 February 1992)
‘Stretching back over centuries’ (Daily Telegraph, 21 March 1992)
‘Conditions tough for Taradale’s founding families’ (Daily Telegraph, 21 March 1992)
‘Holding Back the Floods’ (Daily Telegraph, 21 March 1992)
‘The 3090’s – years of growth and stability.’ (Daily Telegraph, 21 March 1992)
‘From shake to slump to merger’ (Daily Telegraph, 21 March 1992)
‘South Pacific Relief’ (Aviation News, Vol 20, No. 20, 13-26 March 1992)
‘Aerial Mapping Pioneer was frequent Blenheim visitor’ (Marlborough Express, 2 April 1992)
‘Not all black for the winged Kiwis’ (Air International, Vol 42 No.5, May 1992)
‘Seeds of welfare in early extremism’ (Dominion, 12 May 1992)
‘Big Cat from the Iron Works’ (Scale Aircraft Modelling Vol 14 No.9, June 1992)
‘Building a Jet Mistletoe’ (Airfix Magazine, Vol 4 No.2, July 1992)
‘Snow Rescue Gobbles Air Force Cash’ (Dominion, 24 July 1992)
‘Funding Questions Highlighted by Snow Rescue’ (Marlborough Express, 28 July 1992)
‘Flying in an RNZAF Aermacchi MB-339C’ (Aviation News, Vol 21 No. 6, 31 July – 13 August 1992)
‘RNZAF Adds up Costs of Stock Relief’ (Otago Daily Times Quarterly Supplement, August 1992)
‘Snow Rescues Raise Funding Questions’ (Aviation News, Vol 21 No.8, 28 August-10 September 1992)
‘Woodbourne Plays its Part in successful Air Force exercises’ (Marlborough Express, 13 October 1992)
‘Tasman DH.89 Dragon’ (Military Style, No.2, October 1992)
‘Military adopt corporate plan to keep the peace’ (Dominion, 16 November 1992)
‘New Zealand’s new bank notes’ (New Zealand Banker, November 1992)
‘Underdog Provides Surprises in South East Asia’ (Aviation News, Vol 21, No. 14, 20 Nov, 3 Dec 1992)
‘Exercises Underline Kiwi Defence Policies’ (Australian Aviation, No.83, December 1992)
‘Updated RNZAF Skyhawks leave positive impression.’ (Otago Daily Times, 9 December 1992)
‘Politics, Fear behind Battle of Omaranui’ (Daily Telegraph, 29 December 1992)
‘Nuclear navy fleets dwindling away’ (Dominion, 4 January 1993)
‘Murder confirms settlers fears over Hauhaus’ (Daily Telegraph, 5 January 1993)
‘Colonel able to capitalise on his fame’ (Daily Telegraph, 9 January 1993)
‘Outcome of Battle never in doubt’ (Daily Telegraph, 12 January 1993)
‘Battle achieves aims – at a price’ (Daily Telegraph, 16 January 1993)
‘RNZAF says goodbye to beloved ‘Blunty’ (Marlborough Express, 24 February 1993)
‘Woodbourne’s future looks secure now’ (Marlborough Express, 31 March 1993)
‘Strikemaster Retirement’ (Aviation News, Vol 21 No. 4, 26 March/8 April 1993)
‘RNZAF Strikemasters’ (Air Pictorial, Vol 55 No. 4, April 1993)
‘Worn out nurses of WW1 lost sense of time’ (The Press, 30 April 1993)
‘Patching up victims of First World War’ (Evening Post, 24 April 1993)
‘High Costs for RNZAF of Somalia mercy mission’ (Otago Daily Times, 16 June 1993)
‘Visits to Woodbourne fewer as world duty calls’ (Marlborough Express, 16 June 1993)
‘The Payback in defence co-operation’ (Dominion, 23 June 1993)
‘RNZAF Restores Hope in Somalia’ (Aviation News, Vol 22 No. 4, July 1993)
‘Australian co-operation essential to New Zealand Defence Policy’ (Australian Aviation No. 90, September 1993.)
‘New Zealand Nurse at War’ (Daily Telegraph, 30 September 1993)
‘Bureaucracy keeps nurses in London.’ (Daily Telegraph, 21 September 1993)
‘Malta posting takes toll of WW1 nurse.’ (Daily Telegraph, 23 September 1993)
‘To Egypt and England.’ (Daily Telegraph, 28 September 1993)
‘At Peace Again – 1930 and Beyond.’ (Daily Telegraph, September 30 1993)
‘Life After ANZUS’ (Marlborough Express, 27 October 1993)
‘Defence exercises policy ‘cornerstone” (Otago Daily Times, 8 November 1993)
‘2 Million Acres Sold in Buy-up’ (Daily Telegraph, 29 December 1993)
‘Domett’s Legacy Still With Us’ (Daily Telegraph, 30 December 1993)
‘A Billionaire of his Time’ (Daily Telegraph, 31 December 1993)
‘Dispute Dogs Reclamation Project’ (Daily Telegraph, 4 January 1994)
‘McLean Promoted Peace by Conciliation’ (Daily Telegraph, 5 January 1994)
‘Controversy Dogged Sutton’ (Daily Telegraph, 6 January 1994)
‘Youth, Energy back Bid for Land’ (Daily Telegraph, 7 January 1994)
‘Tomoana – War Leader and Politician’ (Daily Telegraph, 8 January 1994)
‘Feud Marred Pastoralist’s Life’ (Daily Telegraph, 10 January 1994)
‘Tiffen pushed for Napier-Taradale Road’ (Daily Telegraph, 11 January 1994)
‘Flora and Fauna Farmer’s Passion’ (Daily Telegraph, 12 January 1994)
‘Ormond Respected Statesman’ (Daily Telegraph, 13 January 1994)
‘Chief sought peaceful, legal action’ (Daily Telegraph, 14 January 1994)
‘Part of History lost in Fire’ (Daily Telegraph, 14 January 1994)
‘Land Owner fought Liberal Policy’ (Daily Telegraph, 15 January 1994)
‘Te Hapuku proves Tough Negotiator’ (Daily Telegraph, 17 January 1994)
‘Fortune or Bust for Thomas Tanner’ (Daily Telegraph, 30 January 1994)
‘Colenso Dominated Intellectual Life’ (Daily Telegraph, 19 January 1994)
‘Celebration Inspired by Napier’s Art Deco Heritage’ (Dominion Sunday Times, 30 January 1994)
‘Pre-Quake Napier had its own style’ (Impact, February 1994)
‘New Styles Entrenched Well Before Quake’ (Daily Telegraph, 15 February 1994)
‘Strategic Plan Heralds New Future for Woodbourne’ (Marlborough Express, 23 February 1994)
‘First Settlers brought wine to HB’ (Impact, March 1994)
‘Defence forces face up to shrinking funds’ (Dominion, 4 March 1994)
‘Modelmaker to Increase Production’ (Evening Post, 5 March 1994)
‘Classics in Scale – Trans Tasman Modelling Venture’ (Classic Wings Downunder, Issue 1, April-June 1994)
‘Early Cars were Status Symbols’ (Impact, April 1994)
‘Scenario Set for Another Korean War’ (Dominion, 12 April 1994)
‘Napier Hospital has had Troubled History’ (Daily Telegraph, 4 May 1994)
‘Air Force teams’ skills to be put to test’ (Marlborough Express, 4 May 1994)
‘Kiwi aircraft take off in flying contest’ (Dominion, 16 May 1994)
‘Kiwis never given their due credit’ (Dominion, 2 June 1994)
‘The Kiwis who helped change history’ (Marlborough Express, 2 June 1994)
‘Hawke’s Bay airmen played major role’ (Daily Telegraph, 5 June 1994)
‘Good old, bad old days’ (Dominion, 9 June 1994)
‘Hawke’s Bay once home of ‘land rings” (Daily Telegraph, 30 June 1994)
‘Chance meeting leads to lease’ (Daily Telegraph, 21 June 1994)
‘The plains change hands’ (Daily Telegraph, 25 June 1994)
‘Tensions give rise to repudiation’ (Daily Telegraph, 28 June 1994)
‘Govt steps in as Maori lands grievances mount’ (Daily Telegraph, 2 July 1994)
‘The fall of an apostle’ (Daily Telegraph, 5 July 1994)
‘Classics in Scale: Falcon Models’ (Classic Wings Down Under, August 1994)
‘The Royal Australian Air Force’ (Air International, Vol 47, No.2, August 1994)
‘RNZAF Relief work in Rwanda.’ (Marlborough Express, 24 August 1994)
‘When land deals ruled’ (Dominion, 25 August 1994)
‘New Zealand’s Herculean aid effort well-received’ (Dominion, 7 September 1994)
‘Operation Reforge Wraps Up in Rwanda’ (NZ Wings, October 1994)
‘Classics in Scale’ (Classic Wings Down Under, October-December 1994)
‘Fincastle Trophy/Exercise Blackbird’ (NZ Wings, November 1994)
‘RNZAF Helicopters’ (NZ Wings, November 1994)
‘Defence Under Siege’ (Marlborough Express, 3 November 1994)
‘New Zealand Defence Under Siege’ (Australian Aviation, December 1994)
‘Early Pioneers Full of Ambition’ (Daily Telegraph, 27 December 1994)
‘Rollercoaster ride of heroism, success’ (Daily Telegraph, 27 December 1994)
‘Arranged marriage doomed’ (Daily Telegraph, 28 December 1994)
‘The Bay’s First Medical Man’ (Daily Telegraph, 29 December 1994)
‘Pioneer Principal’ (Daily Telegraph, 30 December 1994)
‘HB’s First Sheep Farmer’ (Daily Telegraph, 31 December 1994)
‘Boisterous Trader’ (Daily Telegraph, 3 January 1995)
‘Napier home to NZ’s first female dentist’ (Daily Telegraph, 4 January 1995)
‘Pioneering Missionary’ (Daily Telegraph, 5 January 1995)
‘Crime part of whaler life in the 3040s’ (Daily Telegraph, 6 January 1995)
‘Trendsetting typographer’ (Daily Telegraph, 7 January 1995)
‘The man behind the settlers’ (Daily Telegraph, 10 January 1995)
‘Innovative school inspector’ (Daily Telegraph, 11 January 1995)
‘First families arrive in 3050’ (Daily Telegraph, 12 January 1995)
‘Founder of a milling dynasty’ (Daily Telegraph, 13 January 1995)
‘Bank manager hobnobbed with the elite’ (Daily Telegraph, 14 January 1995)
‘Recreating the Golden Age’ (Evening Post, 13 February 1995)
‘Art Deco Heritage Feted by City’ (The Press, 15 February 1995)
‘Dicey Transfers High Above Hawke’s Bay’ (Daily Telegraph, 26 February 1995)
‘Aerial Refuelling co-operative sign’ (Otago Daily Times, 1 March 1995)
‘New Projects for Air Force’ (NZ Wings, March 1995)
‘Air Force Sink Trawler’ (NZ Wings, March 1995)
‘Refuelling on High’ (Dominion, 21 March 1995)
‘Refuelling boosts Anzac teamwork’ (Marlborough Express, 23 March 1995)
‘Sealift for the Soldiers’ (New Zealand Defence Quarterly, No. 8, Autumn 1995)
‘Aerial Sustenance’ (NZ Wings, April 1995)
‘When Maori fought Maori at Moutoa’ (Dominion, 5 April 1995)
‘Picton – Gateway to the Sounds’ (Daily Telegraph, 30 April 1995)
‘Classics in Scale – Expatriate Kiwi in Australia’ (Classic Wings Down Under, April-June 1995)
‘Exercise Willoh – Aus/NZ Refuelling Inaugurated’ (Australian Aviation, May 1995)
‘Iroquois Crashes at Waiouru’ (New Zealand Wings, May 1995)
‘Aermacchi MB-339CB in RNZAF Service’ (New Zealand Wings, May 1995)
‘Orion Re-Wing Commenced’ (New Zealand Wings, June 1995)
‘Visit has Long Term Effects’ (Evening Post, 14 June 1995)
‘Jet trainer no lemon’ (Marlborough Express, 15 June 1995)
‘British Ships Visit after ‘no-nukes’ assurance’ (Daily Telegraph, 17 June 1995)
‘The French Blast On Regardless’ (Dominion, 23 June 1995)
‘Macchi Compressor Blades Reinforced/Orion Training in SE Asia (New Zealand Wings, July 1995)
‘French need bomb tests to maintain nuclear credibility’ (Marlborough Express, 12 July 1995)
‘Disaster Waiting to Happen’ (Daily Telegraph, 22 July 1995)
‘Plight of the Northumberland/Steamer Capsizes’ (Daily Telegraph, 25 July 1995)
‘Heroism saves crew of Northumberland/Bolting the Stable Door’ (Daily Telegraph, 29 July 1995)
‘Air Force Exercises in Fiji/Shelly Bay Closed’ (NZ Wings, August 1995)
‘Coming of nuclear age’ (Dominion, 16 August 1995)
‘Tongariro “magnificent” in 3057’ (Dominion, 4 October 1995)
‘Tribunal Report Omits Crucial Evidence’ (Daily Telegraph, 14 October 1995)
‘Classics in Scale: Ventura Hobby Products’ (Classic Wings Downunder, Vol 2 No.4, Oct-Dec 1995).
‘Mercy Dash’ (New Zealand Wings, November 1995)
‘Navy Choices’ (New Zealand Wings, November 1995)
‘Colourful, charismatic Dr Waterworth’ (Daily Telegraph, 6 January 1996)
‘Land ownership precarious in early HB’ (Daily Telegraph, 6 January 1996)
‘Letters home give picture of travels during wartime’ (Daily Telegraph, 6 January 1996)
‘Hard work took Tucker to the top’ (Daily Telegraph, 6 January 1996)
‘Back country hut was hideout for killer’ (Daily Telegraph, 9 January 1996)
‘Home in the hills for Howlett’ (Daily Telegraph, 9 January 1996)
‘Redoubt a reminder of Te Kooti land battle’ (Daily Telegraph, 9 January 1996)
‘A Hawke’s Bay man in France’ (Daily Telegraph, 9 January 1996)
‘Politics an unintentional career move’ (Daily Telegraph, 13 January 1996)
‘Well known aviator lost’ (Daily Telegraph, 13 January 1996)
‘NZ Dreams came to a tragic end’ (Daily Telegraph, 13 January 1996)
‘Scottish settlers in Hawke’s Bay’ (Daily Telegraph, 13 January 1996)
‘The voyage to Napier’ (Daily Telegraph, 13 January 1996)
‘Victorians and the ‘demon drink” (Daily Telegraph, 16 January 1996)
‘A busy office in the 3080’s’ (Daily Telegraph, 16 January 1996)
‘Journeying to capital with sheep for market’ (Daily Telegraph, 16 January 1996)
‘Was early Hastings known as Hicksville?’ (Daily Telegraph, 16 January 1996)
‘William Colenso – Land Speculator’ (Daily Telegraph, 20 January 1996)
‘Influenza claimed more lives than quake’ (Daily Telegraph, 20 January 1996)
‘Military need behind building of Taupo road’ (Daily Telegraph, 20 January 1996)
‘Land rivalry led to battle between chiefs’ (Daily Telegraph, 20 January 1996)
‘Napier fetes its flirtation with California’ (Otago Daily Times, 27 January 1996)
‘Early quake “as fierce as disaster of ’31″‘ (Daily Telegraph, 3 February 1996)
‘Cook failed to dazzle Maori ‘Indians” (Sunday Star Times, 4 February 1996)
‘A treaty to tame Europeans’ (Dominion, 6 February 1996)
‘Classics in Scale – Plastic Modelling News’ (Classic Wings Downunder Vol 3 No.2, April-June 1996)
‘More Kiwi Aermacchi MB-339CB’s to fly in 1996’ (Australian Aviation, May 1996)
‘Snapshots of the Past’ #1 (The Havelock North Village Press, 1 May 1996)
‘Low Level Delivery’ (New Zealand Wings, May 1996)
‘Snapshots of the Past #2’ (The Havelock North Village Press, 28 May 1996)
‘Snapshots of the Past #3’ (The Havelock North Village Press, 12 June 1996)
‘Skytrain tests RNZAF and RSAF transport skills’ (Australian Aviation, July 1996)
‘Submarine hunting in the Bay of Plenty’ (New Zealand Wings, July 1996)
‘Skyhawk Down’ (New Zealand Wings, July 1996)
‘Snapshots of the Past #4’ (The Havelock North Village Press, 10 July 1996)
‘Snapshots of the Past #5’ (The Havelock North Village Press, 24 July 1996)
‘Snapshots of the Past #6’ (The Havelock North Village Press, 21 August 1996)
‘Snapshots of the Past #7’ (The Havelock North Village Press, 6 September 1996)
‘Snapshots of the Past #8’ (The Havelock North Village Presss, 16 September 1996)
‘Snapshots of the Past #9’ (The Havelock North Village Press, 30 October 1996)
‘Snapshots of the Past #10’ (The Havelock North Village Press, 30 October 1996)
‘A quiet hero of New Zealand aviation’ (Daily Telegraph, 2 November 1996.)
‘Developer of aerial mapping’ (Evening Post, 8 November 1996)
‘Snapshots of the Past #11’ (The Havelock North Village Press, 13 November 1996)
‘Eccentric artist’s gifts sparked controversy’ (Daily Telegraph, 19 November 1996)
‘Snapshots of the Past #12’ (The Havelock North Village Press, 27 November 1996)
‘Rochfort was early bush trekker’ (Daily Telegraph, 24 December 1996)
‘Journey through land of hot pools and volcanoes’ (Daily Telegraph, 24 December 1996)
‘Bleak existence for Victorian job-hunters’ (Daily Telegraph, 3 January 1997)
‘Violence and beauty on rugged journey to Taupo’ (Daily Telegraph, 3 January 1997)
‘Charles Weber – Revolutionary Railwayman’ (Daily Telegraph, 8 January 1997)
‘Land negotiations put country on edge’ (Daily Telegraph, 8 January 1997)
‘Bay’s first Oldsmobile drew awed attention’ (Daily Telegraph, 14 January 1997)
‘Despite pain, Colenso journeyed through parish’ (Daily Telegraph, 14 January 1997)
‘Snapshots of the Past #13’ (The Havelock North Village Press, 15 January 1997)
‘Snapshots of the Past #14’ (The Havelock North Village Press, 29 January 1997)
‘Few HB Maori sign treaty’ (Daily Telegraph, 4 February 1997)
‘Snapshots of the Past #15’ (The Havelock North Village Press, 12 February 1997)
‘Snapshots of the Past #16’ (The Havelock North Village Press, 26 February 1997)
‘RNZAF P-3K Orions in Transition’, (Australian Aviation, March 1997)
‘Havelock’s Southern Counterpart!’ (The Havelock North Village Press, 12 March 1997)
‘Snapshots of the Past #17’ (The Havelock North Village Press, 12 March 1997)
‘Snapshots of the Past #30’ (The Havelock North Village Press, 25 March 1997)
‘Fatal floods struck 100 years ago’ (Daily Telegraph, 8 April 1997)
‘Snapshots of the Past #19’ (The Havelock North Village Press, 9 April 1997)
‘Snapshots of the Past #20’ (The Havelock North Village Press, 23 April 1997)
‘Snapshots of the Past #21’ (The Havelock North Village Press, 7 May 1997)
‘Snapshots of the Past #22’ (The Havelock North Village Press, 23 May 1997)
‘Snapshots of the Past #23’ (The Havelock North Village Press, 4 June 1997)
‘Snapshots of the Past #24’ (The Havelock North Village Press, 30 June 1997)
‘New Details Uncovered – U Boat Attack in Napier’ (Daily Telegraph, 26 June 1997)
‘Snapshots of the Past #25’ (The Havelock North Village Press, 16 July 1997)
‘Snapshots of the Past #26’ (The Havelock North Village Press, 30 July 1997)
‘Snapshots of the Past #27’ (The Havelock North Village Press, 13 August 1997)
‘Napier and Hastings: 130 years of rivalry’ (Daily Telegraph, 10 September 1997)
‘Snapshots of the Past #28’ (The Havelock North Village Press, 24 September 1997)
‘Snapshots of the Past #29’ (The Havelock North Village Press, 8 October 1997)
‘Snapshots of the Past #30’ (The Havelock North Village Press, 19 November 1997)
‘Snapshots of the Past #31’ (The Havelock North Village Press, 10 December 1997)
‘Snapshots of the Past #32’ (The Havelock North Village Press, 30 December 1997)
‘Hau Hau movement stirred unease in Hawke’s Bay’ (Daily Telegraph, 10 January 1998)
‘Poorly armed ‘volunteers’ hoped to avoid battle’ (Daily Telegraph, 10 January 1998)
‘Conflict complicated by politics, fear and prejudice’ (Daily Telegraph, 10 January 1998)
‘Snapshots of the Past #33’ (The Havelock North Village Press, 14 January 1998)
”Industry’ history has shortcomings’ (Daily Telegraph, 23 January 1998)
‘Napier town ‘part of promise to Maori” (Daily Telegraph, 24 January 1998)
‘Chief Hapuku stood up to Pakeha negotiator’ (Daily Telegraph, 24 January 1998)
‘Settler thinking ‘missed point” (Daily Telegraph, 24 January 1998)
‘Economic collapse defeated Maori efforts’ (Daily Telegraph, 27 January 1998)
‘Snapshots of the Past #34’ (The Havelock North Village Press, 28 January 1998)
‘Government of 3051 promised Maori medical services’ (Daily Telegraph, 5 February 1998)
‘Most of Havelock North now under Maori land claim’ (The Havelock North Village Press, 11 February 1998)
”Part two of the story on the Maori land claim on Havelock North’ (The Havelock North Village Press, 25 February 1998)
‘Waitangi Maori Land Claim – Part 3’ (The Havelock North Village Press, 11 March 1998)
‘Waitangi Land Claim – the final instalment’ (The Havelock North Village Press, 25 March 1998)
‘Snapshots of the Past #35’ (The Havelock North Village Press, 25 March 1998)
‘Snapshots of the Past #36: Havelock North’s early musicians’ (The Havelock North Village Press, 6 May 1998)
‘Snapshots of the Past #37 (The Havelock North Village Press, 20 May 1998)
‘Spanish beat Cook to HB’ (Daily Telegraph, 21 May 1998)
‘Did the Portugese beat Tasman?’ (Otago Daily Times, 26 May 1998)
‘Snapshots of the Past #38: the real Donald McLean’ (The Havelock North Village Press, 4 June 1998)
‘How Portugal’s traders beat Tasman, perhaps’ (The Press, 9 June 1998)
‘Snapshots of the Past #39 – NZ Wars – The Havelock Connection #1″ (The Havelock North Village Press, 17 June 1998)
‘Today’s claim goes back 150 years’ (Daily Telegraph, 30 June 1998)
‘McLean’s actions contrary to Treaty’ (Daily Telegraph, 19 June 1998)
‘Ahuriri price affected by Waipukurau debacle’ (Daily Telegraph, 20 June 1998)
‘Kiwis aided mercy mission’ (Sunday Star Times, 21 June 1998)
‘Snapshots of the Past #40 – Havelock North vs South’ (Havelock North Village Press, 15 July 1998)
‘Bomber gift proved costly’ (Sunday Star Times, 30 August 1998)
‘Pressure on Whitmore for victory in the east’ (Daily Telegraph, 3 September 1998)
‘Snapshots of the Past #41 – NZ Wars – the Havelock connection #2’ (Havelock North Village Press, 9 September 1998)
‘Kiwi airmen helped defend Singapore’ (Daily Telegraph, 12 September 1998)
‘Snapshots of the Past #42 – The NZ Wars – the Havelock connection #3’ (Havelock North Village Press, 7 October 1998)
‘Snapshots of the Past #43 – Let’s talk about the good guys’ (Havelock North Village Press, 17 December 1998)
‘Historians debate debt for land scandal’ (Daily Telegraph, 31 December 1998)
‘Govt law reform led to debt for land sales’ (Daily Telegraph, 2 January 1999)
‘How HB storekeepers exploited debt for land’ (Daily Telegraph, 5 January 1999)
‘Meanee at centre of debt for land deals’ (Daily Telegraph, 6 January 1999)
‘Government warned about debt-for-land practises’ (Daily Telegraph, 9 January 1999)
‘3073 sales commission led to Repudiation Movement’ (Daily Telegraph, 11 January 1999)
‘Cloak-and-dagger sales to avoid Repudiation Committee’ (Daily Telegraph, 13 January 1999)
‘Snapshots of the Past #44 – (untitled)’ (Havelock North Village Press, 14 January 1999)
‘Snapshots of the Past #45 – (untitled)’ (Havelock North Village Press, 28 January 1999)
‘Snapshots of the Past #46 – A senseless feud’ (Havelock North Village Press, 11 February 1999)
‘Snapshots of the Past #47 – Young Pharazyn’s Revenge!’ (Havelock North Village Press, 25 February 1999)
‘Snapshots of the Past #48 – (untitled)’ (Havelock North Village Press, 22 April 1999)
‘Snapshots of the Past #49 – (untitled)’ (Havelock North Village Press, 29 July 1999)
‘Snapshots of the Past #50 – The “other other” John Chambers’ (Havelock North Village Press, 29 July 1999)
‘Snapshots of the Past #51 – The Importance of Meaning” (Havelock North Village Press, 26 August 1999)
‘Snapshots of the Past #52 – Often poignant snapshot of life’ (Havelock North Village Press, 22 November 1999)
‘Snapshots of the Past #53 – Rail avoided Havelock for cost reasons’ (Havelock North Village Press, 9 December 1999)
‘Snapshots of the Past #54 – Local place names commemorate glorious myths’ (Havelock North Village Press, 17 December 1999)
‘Snapshots of the Past #55 – National power pioneer from ‘the Village” (Havelock North Village Press, 17 December 1999)
‘Leading lights of early Hawke’s Bay’ (Hawke’s Bay Today, 1 January 2000)
‘New Zealand Engineering – An Historical Perspective’, (New Zealand Engineering, Vol. 54/9, January 2000)
‘Snapshots of the Past #56 – What is a historian?’ (Havelock North Village Press, 3 March 2000)
‘Defending Freyberg from Crete Fallout’ (Sunday Star-Times, 21 May 2000)
‘Snapshots of the Past #57″ (Havelock North Village Press, 29 June 2000)
‘Snapshots of the Past #58 – Hawke’s Bay’s earliest drink and drive incident?” (Havelock North Village Press, 13 July 2000)
‘Snapshots of the Past #59″ (Havelock North Village Press, 27 July 2000)
‘Earthquake fire and water: the real story’ (Hawke’s Bay Today, 1 February 2001)
‘Still battling over Crete’ (Dominion, 25 April 2001)
‘Heretaunga plains sale: what really happened?’ (Hawke’s Bay Today, 28 December 2001)
‘Heretaunga plains lease a double-edged sword’ (Hawke’s Bay Today, 29 December 2001)
‘Heretaunga plains sale forced through writ’ (Hawke’s Bay Today, 2 January 2002)
‘Heretaunga plains grants sold individually’ (Hawke’s Bay Today, 3 January 2002)
‘Final signatures gained for Heretaunga sale’ (Hawke’s Bay Today, 4 January 2002)
‘Heretaunga history: a deeper understanding’ (Hawke’s Bay Today, 5 January 2002)
‘Hawke’s Bay on the Main Trunk Line?’ (Hawke’s Bay Today, 7 January 2002)
‘Understanding the big HB Quake of 1931’ (Hawke’s Bay Today, 8 January 2002)
‘Making history not always a hazard-free task’ (Hawke’s Bay Today, 9 January 2002)
‘Battlecruiser party in Hawke’s Bay in 1913’ (Hawke’s Bay Today, 10 January 2002)
‘Why was Crete lost? The arguments still rage’ (Hawke’s Bay Today, 11 January 2002)
‘HMS Achilles journey to the River Plate’ (Hawke’s Bay Today, 12 January 2002)
‘What if the quake hadn’t happened’ (Hawke’s Bay Today, 3 February 2002)
‘Against all odds – how Kiwis created a legend’ (Sunday Star-Times, 16 June 2002)
‘New Zealander’s Role at El Alamein ensured a historic victory’ (Hawke’s Bay Today, 12 October 2002)
‘Naming theme for Bay has brutal history’ (Hawke’s Bay Today, 30 January 2003)
‘Hastings never called Hicksville’ (Hawke’s Bay Today, 25 January 2003)
‘Napier VC winner slept through “off”‘ (Hawke’s Bay Today, 1 February 2003)
‘Taradale linked to County Meath’ (Hawke’s Bay Today, 8 February 2003)
‘Familiar streets, big names, real people’ (Hawke’s Bay Today, 15 February 2003)
‘Mutiny propelled Havelock into limelight’ (Hawke’s Bay Today, 22 February 2003)
‘Japanese rulers saw NZ as part of empire in 1942’ (Hawke’s Bay Today, 6 January 2004)
‘HB earthquake was our biggest disaster’ (Hawke’s Bay Today, 8 January 2004)
‘Colenso left first-hand account of Treaty signing’ (Hawke’s Bay Today, 15 January 2004)
‘Colour used to be a simple black-and-white issue’ (Hawke’s Bay Today, 16 January 2004)
‘Kiwi Commandos in Pacific battleground’ (Hawke’s Bay Today, 28 January 2004)
‘Rough passage for HB Pioneers’ (Hawke’s Bay Today, 28 January 2004)
‘Tiptoe in the Park’ (Dominion Post, 15 June 2004)
‘Sleeping city awakens’ (Dominion Post, 15 March 2005)
‘Freyberg criticisms revisited’ (Hawke’s Bay Today, 23 April 2005)
‘Hell on French fields’ (Hawke’s Bay Today, 23 April 2005)
‘Legendary forces’ (Dominion Post, 24 April 2005)
‘Commander “had no equal”‘ (Hawke’s Bay Today, 30 December 2005)
‘The enigma that was Makarini’ (Hawke’s Bay Today, 4 January 2006)
‘Mass murder near Gisborne raised few eyebrows’ (Hawke’s Bay Today, 10 January 2006)
‘Hawke’s Bay’s role in NZ wars’ (Hawke’s Bay Today, 21 January 2006)
‘Our “before” and “after”‘ (Hawke’s Bay Today, 1 February 2007)
‘Architectural shake-up’ (Hawke’s Bay Today, 14 February 2007)
‘Bay man pioneered flight in NZ’ (Hawke’s Bay Today, 10 March 2007)
‘The Mystery of NZ’s history’ (The Press, 7 April 2007)
‘Gallipoli: death of innocence’ (The Dominion-Post, 21 April 2007)
‘If the Japanese had got through…’ (The Dominion-Post, 21 April 2007)
‘William Malone – the hero of Chunuk Bair’ (Hawke’s Bay Today, 25 April 2007)
‘Heroism of ordinary men’ (The Press, 30 August 2007)
‘No spy loose in Bay in WW2?’ (Hawke’s Bay Today, 22 September 2007)
‘Wild colonial ways editorial sore point’ (Hawke’s Bay Today, 5 October 2007)
‘Now we lie in Flanders fields’ (New Zealand Listener, 13-19 October 2007)
‘Provinces served a limited need’ (Hawke’s Bay Today, 20 October 2007)
‘Voices in the village’ (Hawke’s Bay Today, 24 November 2007)
‘Theft attacks deeds of our blokes’ (Hawke’s Bay Today, 4 December 2007)
‘More to chew on Moa’ (Hawke’s Bay Today, 8 January 2008)
‘The cost kept on shaking’ (Hawke’s Bay Today, 2 February 2008)
‘Tales of courage in tragedy echoes heroism of the past’ (Hawke’s Bay Today, 2 February 2008)
‘Festival Shows Change’ (Hawke’s Bay Today, 9 February 2008)
‘Health crisis in historical context’ (Hawke’s Bay Today, 23 February 2008)
‘Sir Andrew – Our Man in Gallipoli’ (Hawke’s Bay Today, 21 April 2008)
‘Rail service built with private cash’ (Hawke’s Bay Today, 10 May 2008)
‘Works’ end marks the end of an era’ (Hawke’s Bay Today, 17 May 2008)
‘Flattery spurred naming of Bay’ (Hawke’s Bay Today, 25 June 2008)
‘Insight into tawdry colonial politics’ (Hawke’s Bay Today, 5 July 2008)
‘Could the Bay take another major quake?’ (Hawke’s Bay Today, 27 August 2008)
‘Bay has its own air mystery’ (Hawke’s Bay Today, 7 October 2008)
‘Historic building not worth the risk to life’ (Hawke’s Bay Today, 13 October 2008)
‘Idealism and the southern cowboy spirit‘ (Sunday Star-Times, 13 September 2009)
‘A time to reflect’ (Sunday Star-Times, 25 April 2010)
‘Independence Daze’ (New Zealand Listener, 26 June 2010)
‘Bloody end to a dismal day’ (Nelson Mail, 26 June 2010)
‘New light shed on origins of Maori’ (The Press, 28 July 2010)
‘Truth in War‘ (Sunday Star-Times, 1 August 2010)
‘Huge cost of blood was all for naught’ (Hawke’s Bay Today, 7 August 2010)
‘Counting dreadful human cost of Hawke’s Bay earthquake‘ (Hawke’s Bay Today, 29 January 2011)
‘Hope carries us through the hardest of times’ (The Dominion-Post, 11 March 2011)
‘Quake jolts old Napier memories’ (Napier Mail, 16 March 2011)(syndication of ‘Hope carries…’)
‘Peace pushes destruction aside’ (New Zealand Herald, 5 April 2011)
‘Gallipoli did not found NZ’s sense of identity, but reflects its spirit’ (The Dominion-Post, 23 April 2011)
‘Battle for Crete part of a slow-evolving Kiwi legacy” (The Dominion-Post, 24 May 2011)
‘A tour that let a divided society vent its anger’ (The Dominion-Post, 15 July 2011) (Online title differs)
‘Lessons from Napier’s 1931 earthquake‘ (The Press, 29 January 2012)
‘Quake Disaster Remembered” (Napier Mail, 15 February 2012) (syndication of ‘Lessons…’)
‘Rebuild echoes original plans‘ (The Press, 18 August 2012)
‘Great War Myths‘ (New Zealand Listener, 16 April 2015)
‘Reviewing the Reviewers‘ (NZBooks, 5 December 2015).
‘Did the Spanish or Chinese visit New Zealand before the Polynesians?’ (New Zealand Listener, 24 June 2016).
‘Vintage art of writing’ (Scaffolding Magazine 1, Jalapeno Publishing, Maryland, March 2017)
‘Passchendaele Centenary: New Zealand’s blackest day in Flanders’ Fields‘ (New Zealand Listener, 29 April 2017)
‘Who won the Battle of Jutland?‘ (Navy General Board, 23 July 2018)
‘Is the submarine the perfect stealth warship?‘ (Navy General Board, 23 July 2018)
‘The pursuit of the Goeben and the battle of the River Plate‘ (Navy General Board, 23 July 2018)
‘Admiral Sir John Jellicoe and the battle of Jutland‘ (Navy General Board, 25 July 2018)
‘Why were so many warships never built?‘ (Navy General Board, 25 July 2018)
‘A U-boat attack in strange waters‘ (Navy General Board, 25 July 2018)
‘HMS Dreadnought – revolution or evolution?‘ (Navy General Board, 29 July 2018)
‘The Q-ship hero: William Sanders, VC‘ (Navy General Board, 7 August 2018)
‘The King George V class – better battleships than history usually allows‘ (Navy General Board, 27 August 2018)
‘Battleship showdown: HMS King George V vs USS North Carolina‘ (Navy General Board, 5 September 2018)
‘Battleship showdown: USS South Dakota vs the British 16B/38‘ (Navy General Board, 22 September 2018)
‘What the Second London Naval Treaty escalator clause really meant‘ (Navy General Board, 9 October 2018)
‘The slow death of the Lion class, Britain’s never-built battleships‘ (Navy General Board, 10 November 2018)
‘The loss of Prince of Wales and Repulse, part 1: prelude to disaster‘ (Navy General Board, 25 November 2018)
‘The loss of Prince of Wales and Repulse, part 2: the air attack‘ (Navy General Board, 6 December 2018)
‘The loss of Prince of Wales and Repulse, part 3: the 70-year mystery‘ (Navy General Board, 15 December 2018)
‘HMS Vanguard: Britain’s last and greatest battleship‘ (Navy General Board, 12 January 2019)
‘Battleship showdown: Vanguard vs Tirpitz – what might have happened‘ (Navy General Board, 26 January 2019)
‘Was “cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey” a naval phrase?‘ (Navy General Board, 5 February 2019)
‘The Malta class: the carriers that never were‘ (Navy General Board, 17 February 2019)
‘Japan’s Pacific submarine campaign: encounter off Fiji, 1942‘ (Navy General Board, 26 March 2019)
‘Where did the term “battleship” come from?‘ (Navy General Board, 8 April 2019)
‘David and Goliath in the Solomons: the “pocket corvettes” Kiwi and Moa vs I-1‘ (Navy General Board, 6 May 2019)
‘The origins of the American battlecruiser – 1902-1910‘ (Navy General Board, 29 May 2019)
‘The other HMS Hood – Britain’s last turret ship‘ (Navy General Board, 18 June 2019)
‘How battleship secondary armament evolved‘ (Navy General Board, 13 July 2019)
‘HMS Collingwood and the ‘Admirals’: shining lights in the Royal Navy’s dark ages?‘ (Navy General Board, 6 August 2019)
‘The Tarawa coast-watch massacre of 1942′ (Navy General Board, 14 August 2019)
‘Were the ‘Admirals’ Britain’s first class of battleships?’ (Navy General Board, 27 August 2019)
‘Designing Britain’s oddest looking battleships‘ (Navy General Board, 16 October 2019)
‘The sinking of HMS Victoria‘ (Navy General Board, 18 November 2019)
‘A story of wool – wild west style’ (Tiny Studio Creative Life, Issue 5, November 2019)
‘‘Were Britain’s battleships eggshells? Investigating the loss of HMS Victoria in 1893’ (Navy General Board, 12 December 2019)
‘Why we must teach history in New Zealand schools’ (Otaki Today, January 2020)
‘The origins of the American battlecruiser – part 2: the road to the Lexington‘ (Navy General Board, 23 January 2020)
‘Thank God for the Navy! – HMS Veronica and the Hawke’s Bay quake of 1931‘ (Navy General Board, 30 January 2020)
‘The origins of the American battlecruiser – part 3: Jutland lessons‘ (Navy General Board, 6 March 2020)
The origins of the American battlecruiser – part 4: British infusion’ (Navy General Board, 23 March 2020)
‘The story behind Britain’s ‘G3′ class battlecruisers’ (Navy General Board, 17 April 2020)
‘A history of New Zealand sheep, part 3: Cook to Marsden’ (Tiny Studio Creative Life, No. 7, May 2020)
‘How some key naval engineering terms migrated into English’ (Navy General Board, 15 May 2020)
‘The largest class of battleships ever built: the Majestics. Part 1’ (Navy General Board, 7 July 2020)
‘Britain’s Majestic class battleships – Part 2 – the politics’ (Navy General Board, 22 July 2020)
‘A history of New Zealand sheep, part 4: Islands’ (Tiny Studio Creative Life, No. 8, August 2020)
‘The Hero of the Hood Battalion’ (Navy General Board, 11 October 2020)
‘A history of New Zealand sheep, part 5: Wairarapa’ (Tiny Studio Creative Life, No. 9, November 2020)
‘A history of New Zealand sheep, part 6: Hawke’s Bay’ (Tiny Studio Creative Life, No. 10, February 2021)
‘HMS Dreadnought and Admiral Sir John Fisher’s naval revolution – Part 1’ (Navy General Board, 28 April 2021)
‘A history of New Zealand sheep, part 7: Canterbury’ (Tiny Studio Creative Life, No. 11, May 2021)
‘Did Sir John Fisher try to launch a battlecruiser revolution?‘ (Navy General Board, 16 June 2021)
‘A history of New Zealand sheep, part 8: Canterbury Stations’ (Tiny Studio Creative Life, No. 12, August 2021)
‘The story behind the battlecruiser HMS New Zealand: a gift to the Empire‘ (Navy General Board, 17 October 2021)
‘The origins of the Washington Treaty of 1922’ (Navy General Board, 26 January 2022)
‘A history of New Zealand sheep, part 9: High Society and Shearer Slang’ (Tiny Studio Creative Life, No. 14, February 2022)
‘How Britain gained two new battleships from the Washington Conference of 1921-22‘ (Navy General Board, 8 February 2022)
‘How the battlecruiser HMS New Zealand was paid for’ (Navy General Board, 12 March 2022)
‘Why HMS New Zealand’s debt wasn’t cancelled until 1944-45‘ (Navy General Board, 11 April 2022)
‘The many names of the Washington Treaty of 1922‘ (Navy General Board, 26 April 2022)
‘A history of New Zealand sheep, part 10: Living the high life’ (Tiny Studio Creative Life, No. 15, May 2022)
“The Washington Treaty and the Royal Navy’s scrapping programme” (Navy General Board, 19 July 2022)
“A look at British B.VIII naval gun machinery and variants” (Navy General Board, 8 October 1922)
‘The Washington Treaty and the Royal Navy’s scrapping programmes‘ (Navy General Board, 19 July 2022)
‘A history of New Zealand sheep, part 11: ‘Farmer backbone” (Tiny Studio Creative Life, No. 16, August 2022)
“High quality pictures of British battlecruisers” (Navy General Board, 21 July 2023)
“Exploding trousers: a New Zealand farming story” (Tiny Studio Creative Life, No. 20, August 2023)
“High resolution photos of HMS Hood in Wellington, 1924” (Navy General Board, 26 September 2023)
“The story behind the battlecruiser HMAS Australia” (Navy General Board, 15 January 2024)
“A shepherd in 1920s New Zealand” (Tiny Studio Creative Life, No. 22, February 2024)
“Admiral Sir John Fisher and the first fast battleships” (Navy General Board, 29 May 2024)
“Land girls in wartime New Zealand” (Tiny Studio Creative Life, No. 23, May 2024)
“Land girls in wartime New Zealand: Part 2” (Tiny Studio Creative Life, No. 25, November 2024)
“Speed and armour: Fisher’s battlecruisers vs Admiralty politics” (Navy General Board, 19 December 2024)
“New photos of HMS Hood in 1924” (Navy General Board, 19 February 2025)
“The golden age of New Zealand wool”, (Tiny Studio Creative Life, No. 26, February 2025)
Contributions to Dictionary of New Zealand Biography
‘Richard Tucker’ (Vol 2)
‘Piet van Asch’ (Vol 5)
Short stories
‘Missionary’, in Endless Worlds Vol. 1 (ed, Peter Koevari) (Endless Worlds Publications, Brisbane, 2015).
‘The last citadel of the innocent:, in Endless Worlds Vol. 2 (ed, Peter Koevari), (Endless Worlds Publications, Brisbane, 2017)